Tooth Extractions

Tooth Extractions in Stillwater, MN

Doctor Sara Cody Talks about Tooth Extractions

Save Your Smile With a Tooth Extraction in Stillwater

No one likes to think about having a tooth removed. Even with modern anesthesia and sedation options, many people still fear going to the dentist for a tooth removal. However, Stillwater tooth removal can benefit you in a number of ways:

  • Stop the pain of your aching tooth
  • Prepare your mouth for other treatments like dental implants
  • Prevent damage to your other teeth and gums
  • Make it easier to bite and chew your food
  • Help you relax so you sleep more soundly

If you have a tooth that’s hurting or damaged, come see Lift Dental soon to get the help you need. Call us today at 651-439-4945 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Cody. Our team is ready to help you get the help you need. If possible, we’ll offer you a same-day emergency appointment.

Get Gentle Tooth Removal From Our Team

It’s always best to keep a patient’s natural tooth in place if at all possible. However, if you have a tooth that’s too badly damaged or diseased to save, we’ll recommend extracting it. You can count on Dr. Cody and our team to provide the most comfortable tooth removal procedure possible.

Of course, we’ll completely numb the area we’re working on so that you don’t feel any pain. Plus, if you’re nervous about your procedure, you’re welcome to take advantage of one of our three forms of sedation:

We also have an impressive list of comforting amenities that will help ease your anxiety, including pillows, blankets, heated aromatherapy towels, massaging chairs, and hand relaxation treatment. We’ll make sure you’re completely comfortable before, during, and after your tooth removal.

Call our office today at 651-439-4945 to learn more or book an appointment for your initial consultation.

We’ll get you out of pain so you feel better soon!