Dental Implants

Dental Implants in Stillwater, MN

Doctor Sara Cody Talks about Dental Implants

Rebuild Your Smile Using Dental Implants in Stillwater

When you’re missing one or more teeth, your oral health simply isn’t as good as it could be. Missing teeth allow your other teeth to shift and can cause bite issues and even pain. The bone around missing teeth shrinks too, making you look older. On the positive side, replacing your missing teeth is simple when you visit Lift Dental for Stillwater dental implants. Dr. Cody and our team can use these artificial teeth roots to help you:

  • Smile with more confidence in your social life
  • Make better first impressions on the job
  • Eat and enjoy a wider selection of delicious and nutritious foods again
  • Improve your oral health and total body health
  • Look younger, more attractive, and more robust
  • Speak more clearly so you avoid embarrassment

Don’t let missing teeth affect your lifestyle any longer! Call Lift Dental today to schedule a dental implants consultation. You’ll find our cozy office at 124 2nd St. S in downtown Stillwater. Be sure to ask about our sedation options when you call. We’ll make sure you’re fully relaxed for your implant procedure.

Teeth Implants Will Improve Your Quality of Life

Did you know that 36 million Americans are missing all their teeth, and that 120 million Americans are missing at least one tooth? If you fall into either category, our team can help using the versatility of implants. Teeth implants have been around for centuries, although their technology has greatly increased in recent decades. Today, implants are usually made from titanium, a metal that actually fuses with your jawbone. New bone cells grow around the implant and form a sturdy base for replacement teeth.

Dr. Cody will use a 3-D cone beam CT scanner to plan the precise placement of your implants. Depending on your smile needs and goals, your dental implant restoration options could include:

  • Single Implant With a Crown – If you’re missing just one tooth, Dr. Cody will insert a dental implant in your jaw where your tooth was. After a healing and fusing period, she’ll anchor a beautiful crown in place to restore your bite and your smile. No one will know it’s not your natural tooth.
  • Implant-Supported Bridge – Rather than anchoring to your other teeth, this type of bridge uses at least two implants for securing replacement teeth. It will fill in the gaps in your smile and look as natural as your original teeth did.
  • Implant-Secured Dentures – We’ll anchor your dentures to a set of implants using either a snap-and-ball system or a sturdy metal bar. Your teeth will stay in place while talking, eating, and laughing.
  • All-on-4® Dental Implants – If you need a complete arch of teeth replaced, this is the procedure for you. Dr. Cody will place four implants (two vertically and two at specific angles) to anchor a full row of teeth. Your teeth will never slip out of place and cause you embarrassment.
  • Same-Day Smile Procedure – During your consultation, we’ll determine if you’re a good candidate for this innovative procedure. If so, you’ll receive your implants and temporary teeth all in one appointment. You’ll return later to have your final restorations placed once the lab sends them to us.
  • Full-Mouth Reconstruction – You may be one of the 36 million people who are missing all their teeth. If so, we’ll develop a comprehensive plan to restore your teeth, improve your oral health, and help you enjoy your life more.

Dental implants in Stillwater could be your key to a beautiful, functional smile again!

Call our office today at 651-439-4945 to learn more or book an appointment for your initial consultation.