Sedation Dentistry

Sedation Dentistry in Stillwater, MN

Doctor Sara Cody Talks about Sedation Dentistry

Receive Carefree Dentistry With Sedation Options in Stillwater

Going to a dental visit is not everyone’s idea of a fun afternoon excursion. For some people, just thinking about setting foot in a dental office may send your heart racing and cause your palms to break out in a sweat. Not to worry, though, as the team at Lift Dental has you covered with our Stillwater sedation options. Sedation offers you all these benefits:

  • A relaxing dental visit free from anxiety
  • Comfortable dentistry if you have a sensitive gag reflex
  • Lessened fear about future dental work
  • A feeling of accomplishment that you’re taking care of your smile

Get the relaxing dental care you and your smile deserve. Call Lift Dental today at 651-439-4945 to schedule an appointment. Friendly, smiling faces will greet you warmly at each visit to our boutique dental office. Plus, we offer soft pillows, cozy blankets, heated aromatherapy towels, massaging chairs, and hand relaxation treatment – all designed to relieve your stress and help you unwind.

Dental Sedation Makes Beneficial Smile Care Possible

Not every patient can comfortably lie back while we work on their smiles. Some people get so nervous and fidgety that they put off dental care indefinitely. Others need an extended procedure or want to get several procedures completed at one time. For others, a sensitive gag reflex can make it hard to get the dental care they need.

Dental sedation can help in all these scenarios by making your treatment more comfortable. Over the years, we’ve been able to help countless patients relax using our sedation methods. There are many types of patients, so we offer you a choice of three great sedation options:

  • Laughing Gas (Nitrous Oxide) – You’ll inhale this sweet-smelling gas through a small mask over your nose. In moments, you’ll begin to feel relaxed from head to toe as the sedative begins to take effect. Your arms and legs may even feel a big tingly. The effects will wear off quickly, however, and you’ll be able to drive yourself home safely.
  • Minimal Oral Conscious Sedation – Dr. Cody will prescribe a small pill that you’ll take ahead of your treatment. It will put you in a completely relaxed state by the time your appointment begins. The effects will linger for several hours, so a friend or family member will need to drive you home.
  • IV Sedation – This works well for lengthy or complicated procedures as it puts you into a dreamlike state. After your treatment, you may not remember much about your visit. Like oral sedation, you’ll want to arrange a ride home.

Don’t put off getting the care your smile needs to shine.

Call our office today at 651-439-4945 to learn more or book an appointment for your initial consultation.

We look forward to helping you smile a little brighter with sedation options in Stillwater!