Nitrous Oxide

Nitrous Oxide Sedation in Stillwater, MN

Woman undergoing a dental cleaning while comfortably sedated with nitrous oxide, ensuring a relaxed experience during the procedure

Do you have dental anxiety that prevents you from seeing your dentist? It is best to do something about it, or you may jeopardize your oral health. At Lift Dental, we can help manage your dental anxiety with nitrous oxide sedation in Stillwater, MN, to help you get the treatment you need.

What is Nitrous Oxide?

Nitrous Oxide, also known as laughing gas, is a short-acting sedative used in dentistry to help patients stay relaxed and comfortable during treatments. It’s a non-irritating, sweet-smelling, and colorless gas inhaled using a mask or nosepiece. Nitrous oxide is one of the most often used inhaled sedatives today because it acts immediately and fades off quickly. It is the best sedative option for quick or simple dental procedures.

How is Laughing Gas Used?

Laughing gas slows down your nervous system, giving you a feeling of peace and happiness. It eases your discomfort and lowers anxiety when undergoing dental treatments. You won’t be completely unconscious from it, so you can still react to inquiries from your provider and follow their directions.

Nitrous Oxide is used to help patients calm down and relax before proceeding with a procedure. Everybody reacts slightly differently to it, but in three to five minutes, you can feel calm, relaxed, happy, giggly, light-headed, and some tingling in your limbs.

Is Nitrous Oxide Safe?

Nitrous oxide is safe for patients who qualify for it. When the sedative has exited your system, its effects will completely disappear in five to ten minutes. Your mental state will return to normal right away. Since nitrous oxide is a short-acting sedative, you can resume driving right after the treatment.

Benefits of Laughing Gas

Laughing gas’s most noteworthy benefit is that it reduces anxiety. Fears and anxiety related to dental procedures often cause patients to postpone going to the doctor and put off important operations. Thanks to nitrous oxide, those who need dental care can now receive it.

Nitrous oxide is short-acting, easy to administer, safe, and effective. It also works fast and does not require needles to be administered.

Gentle Sedation for a Stress-Free Visit

If you have a problem going to dental appointments because of anxiety, Nitrous Oxide might just be the solution you are looking for. Lift Dental offers Nitrous Oxide in Stillwater, MN, and we can help determine if you are eligible for this inhalation sedative. Nitrous oxide is one of the safest and most efficient short-acting sedatives to help ease your worries when taking care of your smile.

Call our office today at 651-439-4945 to learn more or book an appointment for your initial consultation.